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How to Manifest Your External World by Focusing on Your Inner Landscape

Tuesday, 17 April 2018 03:03 Written by  Jennifer Crystal-Johnson

Manifestation is still a somewhat misunderstood topic, although thankfully the nuances of how to practice it are being noticed more as people practice and consciously test their skills more. The fun part about this is that we are literally utilizing our emotional and thought frequencies to guide ourselves toward the reality we desire and simultaneously attract that reality into our experience. Because all of this happens on an energetic level and through your emotional state of being, it’s important to understand some of the core ideas behind how manifesting your reality works and how you can put these things into practice for yourself, starting with your inner world.

It begins with consciously taking notice (becoming mindful by being observant) of what’s happening when it happens, and to go backwards in your memory to make the connections only you can make because you’re the only one with all of the information from your perspective. There are a few different components of how things can manifest themselves in your physical reality, but just becoming more observant can help you to appreciate little gifts from the universe and get ready to receive bigger and bigger gifts. You can think of it as if your life is a TV show, one connected coincidence after another, only not as dramatic. However, when you begin to take notice of manifestations within your “real” life, those seemingly small things suddenly become much more important.

Some Things You Might Begin to Notice

You may begin to notice how one thing hinges on another, how one thing couldn’t have happened without the thing before it having happened, and so on. Sometimes a series of events like this will have you feeling baffled and a little thrown off because of how strange the entire thing was. Don’t disregard this feeling; take note of how you feel and remember the story so that you can go back to it with new knowledge and fresh understanding later. You may even find that something that happens that seems bad actually leads you to something incredible in your life, so be open to those possibilities as well.

You may also begin to notice that if you relax and go with the flow of life, then the solutions you need can present themselves to you in whatever ways you need them to without much resistance, if any. Somewhere along the way, you had a semi-fleeting thought or emotion of, “Hey, this would be nice to have as a solution,” without getting caught up in the details or how it would come to be. Things won’t always play out the way you imagine or expect them to, so let go and allow everything to be the way it will be without getting caught up in the emotions of it all. Trust that everything will work out the way it is meant to. This trust and easygoing attitude are a foundation for manifesting much faster, but you can’t just claim faith and mimic The Fonz on the outside; you’ve got to be at peace and know that things will work out for the best within your life on the inside.

You may begin to notice more and more “little” things going your way, such as getting great parking spaces or finding the last of an item at the store, as if it were placed there just for you. These are simply the products of an ongoing positive creative cycle, so if you’re consciously working on co-creating and manifesting your life on purpose, this is an added benefit you can experience. Enjoy all of those little things, no matter how “small” or “silly” they might seem at the time or on the surface, and especially as you first begin to take notice. Appreciate and celebrate those gifts because these are the gifts of the divine for you, based on how you choose to consciously participate and feel within your daily existence.

Manifest Starting with Your Inner World: Points of Understanding

  1. Understand that everything is a process and you can’t just magically jump from one dimension of existing into another one without a journey to get there, especially if the differences are numerous. We live in a dualistic world of black and white opinions, with no gray area in between even though that is where most everything resides no matter which “side” we agree with or cling to. Everything is a process, a journey, and appreciating each step and failure along the way is key to overcoming and moving forward continuously, without allowing your setbacks to completely discourage you. Discomfort is the most fertile soil for personal growth. So, sometimes life will put you through certain periods of growth and acceleration to help you get to the next chapter of your journey and how you’d like to be living it.
  2. Surrender to your life, to the universe, and to the process you are undergoing. Your “destination” in this life is death, so doesn’t it make more sense to enjoy the journey as much as humanly possible? Rather than trying to dictate how everything must be outside of yourself and stressing out if it goes any other way, sit back, relax, do what you can, and have as much fun as possible. If this is a matter that needs planning, then plan enough to feel more comfortable but be prepared to deviate from the plan at any point should the situation dictate a need for flexibility. You’re safe on your journey, which means that it’s okay to relax a little, let go, and enjoy the ride.

First, because feeling a strong, intense desire for something doesn’t make it come to you faster, although it does get the ball rolling. Second, because feeling strong, intense opposition or feelings of desperation, need, or fear will only serve to place an additional hold or block on your manifestation coming into your life because you are too high-strung, anxious, or stressed out to fully enjoy it. Surrendering means you are no longer attempting to control the things outside of yourself with actions based in emotions that don’t feel good. This neutrality will then give way to a consistent hum of loving energy, and you won’t find yourself getting frustrated, angry, or any other extreme anymore, just smiling and lovingly taking an understanding stance no matter what chaos might be surrounding you. This can be achieved with practice.

  1. The world you find yourself living in is a direct reflection (okay, more like an echo reflection) of your emotional state of being. Therefore, on some level, everything around you is a reflected echo of whatever it is you have felt (or felt you deserved) in the past. If you find yourself in a situation where you feel like a victim or like you’re being constantly attacked and bullied, there’s a good chance that this situation came about because of how you had felt in the past. This may need more elaboration.

One example might be someone who was raised in a situation feeling like something was wrong but never being able to put a finger on it (conditioning and brainwashing ensure that victims of emotional abuse stay unaware of the truth and buy a delusion as reality), then escaping this intangible, hidden web of insanity to find themselves in a physically and more obviously abusive situation. Not understanding that the prior situation wasn’t safe, either, this person may go retreating back to what seems safe in order to regroup, only to realize later on that this original situation caused the emotional state of being that would perpetuate emotionally and physically abusive situations in the future.

Now, by no means am I saying that victims of abuse are to blame for being abused; on the contrary. It would be fantastic for some of these perpetrators without empathy or conscience to be held accountable, but unfortunately that doesn’t always happen (many of the systems in place do not actually help people, and all too often victims of abuse can’t even find help to escape, let alone survive after an escape). That makes it even more important to discern our part in any situation we may have found ourselves in, and do our part to prevent repeating the cycle by educating and healing ourselves.

  1. Everything is connected, including you to everything, everything to you, and everything to everything else, however, you can best imagine this. On an energetic level, we are all connected and interconnected with everything else in existence. This is why emotions are so powerful; they guide us and allow us to steer our ship (our body vessel), so to speak, through this energetic “fog,” if that’s a visual that can help you. Now imagine that, as you wander along through all of these different types of energies, the ones that align with what you’re feeling and attracting will magnetically catch you and hang on to become a physical manifestation.

Please note that this translation into the physical is not bound by linear time. So, whether you think it should take 6 months or 6 minutes, it will lean toward manifesting when you believe, deep down, that it will. You’re in charge, on many, many, many levels, and your inner work will help you to learn how to be in charge of your life more effectively. It is also not bound by a process of turning from energy into a physical thing; rather, our body system is designed to translate the energy around us into what we see, taste, touch, hear, and smell. If we and our body systems are not in alignment with what we are seeking, then we will simply not perceive it, even though it is still there on an energetic level. Our bodies won’t translate because they aren’t tuned to the correct station, so to speak. So, get your vessel into alignment and you might just be amazed at all the things that begin popping up for you. This journey through life is meant to be enjoyed, after all!

  1. You cause a ripple effect, so be aware of what types of energies you’re carrying around with you. If you carry an energy of being depressed, sad, down, mopey, or miserable, then you may find yourself attracting things of the same energetic frequency, including people, circumstances, experiences, stories, and so on. If you carry an energy of constant frustration, anger, belittling, control, and hatred for your fellow man, you will likely see that coming back to you in your daily life experiences. However, if you carry an energy based in love, joy, optimism, light, and effortless existence, you will attract people, experiences, and other things that align with that type of energy.

Another aspect of having a ripple effect that I want to address is that, if you’re generally sad and others try to cheer you up but then can’t, they will likely carry some of that sadness around with them and share it with everyone they come into contact with. If you’re angry and frustrated all the time, you inadvertently spread fear energy because anger tends to make people very uncomfortable, especially if you don’t have a lot of self-control in the moment. This causes subconscious anger and frustration in others, and because no one knows exactly where it came from, they will likely take out their anger on others throughout the day themselves. However, if you carry the bright energy of love and optimism around with you, not only will you be able to understand sadness and let it go no matter the result (sometimes people don’t actually want to be cheered up) and gently but firmly stand your ground against anger and frustration if necessary and help to release or transmute it, but you’ll also infect people with your happiness just by being yourself and thoroughly enjoying your own existence.

No matter where you are on your journey, gaining a better internal understanding of the energetic nature of our universe can only help you grow and evolve to your next level and manifesting your next step up. Sometimes you may need to hear or read the same thing a number of times before it “clicks” in epiphany or revelation form for you, but life will show you what you need to know, over and over again if necessary, and everything still happens in divine timing.

Thank you so much for being here with us at the Mindful Leader Blog! We hope you join us again next week for a new article on your inner versus your outer world and how to grow into handling challenging times more constructively and peacefully.


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