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How to Mindfully See What You Seek

Tuesday, 05 July 2016 14:32 Written by 

There is a saying that states, “You see what you seek.” For those of you who have never heard this before, it may seem like an epiphany; however, it is absolutely a true statement. The easiest and most universal way to describe this ‘phenomenon’ is with the example of buying a new car. You sign the papers, drive it off the lot, and for the next several weeks or even months, you see your car all over the road. No matter what you’re doing or where you’re going, you see at least one or two of the same exact vehicle, maybe even in the same color as your new car. What’s up with that?

The number of that specific make and model on the road hasn’t changed; your perception has. Because that was the car you chose, you notice the same vehicle on a conscious level where you may not have noticed them at all until you made the decision to buy one. That’s what it means to see what you seek; because you seek it out on a conscious level, you see it more easily and are more open to noticing it.

The great news about that is that this rings true for opportunities as well. If you’re open to and take notice of various different opportunities that might fall into your lap, you’re more likely to find the opportunity you need in order to move forward to your next goal… whether you realize it right away or not. If you’re seeking clients, for example, chances are that potential clients are all around you – then it’s just a matter of matching your services to their needs.

There are some simple ways to make sure you’re consciously aware of the abundant opportunities surrounding you every day. There are also some simple ways to test the waters and see if those opportunities line up with what you need as well as what the people you encounter need – think of it as a sort of ‘needs swap.’ Someone you meet at a barbecue might need the very services you offer, while you may need the additional income.

1. Consciously open your mind to opportunities. If you’re closed off to taking advantage of opportunities if they arise, you’re less likely to notice them when they do. Open your mind to noticing potential opportunities (no matter what part of your life they may apply to) and you’ll begin noticing more often… eventually without even trying.

2. Do your homework. Obviously not every opportunity will be the right one for you, so do some research, get all the information, and make an informed decision about it before entering into any kind of agreement.

3. Be open to trying new things. The biggest challenge when facing a new task or lesson is not allowing your own mind to come up with excuses not to do it. It’s always easier not to do something – be it because of laziness, fear, nerves, or a lack of the required knowledge or credentials. The good news is that you can learn! The tools you need for the challenge ahead are usually presented along the way.

4. Talk to people. You never know what someone might need until you speak with them, have a conversation. Opportunities might be hiding in the most unlikely of places, so chat… be social =). You just never know what might come through a great conversation with someone, either immediately or at some point in the future.

5. Be genuine. As with all things pertaining to mindful leadership, be real! Be your true self, be genuine, and don’t be afraid to be a little vulnerable. Vulnerability can actually help you connect with more people on a deeper level.

Seeing what you seek can happen coincidentally or on purpose. As a mindful leader, you have the power to consciously take notice of the opportunities set before you by life and its sometimes ‘magical’ circumstances. All you have to do is choose to see what you seek.

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The Executive Coaching University is one of the leading Executive Coaching Training and Leadership Development firms in the world. We have trained thousands of individuals in 39 countries in our proprietary MasterMind Executive Coaching Process™ as well as many other leadership skills. Our programs are approved by the International Coach Federation (ICF), Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), and Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) in the UK.

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