The Executive Coaching University Blog

The Executive Coaching University Blog

Provocative leadership thoughts from 
The Executive Coaching University

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Our past experiences are responsible for about 50% of who we become, as nature and nurture play equal roles in our development* and health. As we’ve found time and time again here on the Mindful Leader Blog, we can choose to either consciously participate in the process or allow whatever automatically happens to be it, as decided by the ego mind or whatever autopilot programs or habits we have running. Consciously participating begins with nothing…
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Life is always trying to teach us, help us grow, and offer us the richest experience possible without interfering with our free will to choose our own path in each moment. Sometimes, we make choices that end up not being such great choices, and other times we make choices that propel us forward and help us to gain momentum (and it isn’t always easy to tell which is which until after the dust has settled).…
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We can probably all agree that every human being eventually has what we perceive and label as “positive” and “negative” experiences. How we choose to handle these experiences can be either constructive or destructive, working with our lives or against them. Allowing or resisting… and what we resist persists, so why not practice more acceptance and allowing rather than resistance? As much sense as this makes, it can be a little more challenging to put…
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As many of us wander through life and find ourselves feeling bogged down and uninspired by daily obligations—things we take on as responsibilities even though we don’t necessarily enjoy doing them—we may begin to feel like zombies, always busy but never really doing things we truly enjoy. If this sounds like you, then you may have a somewhat simple dilemma on your hands: you’re disconnected from your spirit or inner being, your core essence. It…

About Us

The Executive Coaching University is one of the leading Executive Coaching Training and Leadership Development firms in the world. We have trained thousands of individuals in 39 countries in our proprietary MasterMind Executive Coaching Process™ as well as many other leadership skills. Our programs are approved by the International Coach Federation (ICF), Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), and Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) in the UK.

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