The Executive Coaching University Blog

The Executive Coaching University Blog

Provocative leadership thoughts from 
The Executive Coaching University

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When we see successful people, it often seems like they took the world by storm and accomplished their dreams suddenly. The public doesn’t know everything that happened behind the scenes over the course of ten, twenty, thirty, or even forty years in order for this leader to achieve greatness. What was this person doing before they became visible to the public on a grand scale? Persevering, that’s what! Overnight success usually doesn’t happen. You can…
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Being a mindful leader encompasses certain skills that are also required for being a good parent. I wanted to take a moment to discuss this with you today because Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and just as it’s important to respect your leaders and parents, it is also important to show them you appreciate them. Even the best leaders and parents make mistakes... after all, they’re only human. And whether they show it…
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The times of the old pyramid company structure are getting further and further away year after year and are being replaced with the idea of servant leadership. Why might this be? It’s much more effective to lead people who care about you and will serve beside you than to lead people with selfish, power-hungry, or financially greedy intentions. Those who work for you, and with you, can sense whether you’re being sincere in your leadership…
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No one wants to open up to someone they don’t trust, and leaders often develop reputations based on their behaviors, actions, and mistakes. Being a trustworthy leader is of utmost importance in any organization that wishes to see long-term success, and this is partially because those who trust in their leadership are more likely to be inspired to go further and take greater risks on behalf of the company as a whole than those who…

About Us

The Executive Coaching University is one of the leading Executive Coaching Training and Leadership Development firms in the world. We have trained thousands of individuals in 39 countries in our proprietary MasterMind Executive Coaching Process™ as well as many other leadership skills. Our programs are approved by the International Coach Federation (ICF), Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), and Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) in the UK.

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