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Feeling Overwhelmed? How to Mindfully Simplify Your Life

Tuesday, 02 October 2018 03:18 Written by  Jennifer Crystal-Johnson

It’s extremely challenging to stop and enjoy the things you truly appreciate when you’re busy doing things all day, every day. Part of the reason we forget how powerful we are is because we feel like our most valuable resource, the one that cannot be renewed – time – is controlled by things beyond our control. Although this is true to a certain degree, it is up to us as individuals to change what we can and accept what we can’t, thereby letting go of control. When our lives get too complicated in the “doing” sense, we tend to disconnect from appreciation and focus solely on “hanging in there” or just barely “making it” through the week. However, when life is simpler and priorities are clear, suddenly all of the old stress disappears because you know you’ll figure it out and there’s nothing to be worried about.

Surrendering – to Source, to the process, to life, or whatever wording you want to use – is choosing not to worry about anything and to understand that the solutions will come in perfect timing, every time. The more in tune and aware you are of your life playing out before you, the easier it will be to realize the right decisions and the right things to focus on.

So, by letting go of the need for control, you are actually gaining a deeper level of control.

What does control have to do with simplifying your life? Quite a lot, actually.

When your mind is full and your thoughts are racing, this mental state of being is created in your life experience and manifests itself as busywork, fires to put out, clutter, drama, stress, and general chaos. If you feel like your life would be easier if you were to just scrap everything and start over, it might be time to start simplifying.

Because your life is a reflection of your inner state of being, it makes sense to change your inner state of being in order to change the reflection rather than the other way around.

Here are a few ideas to help you trim your mental clutter and become mindful rather than having a full mind.

  1. Meditate for 5 Minutes or Longer Every Day

Now, don’t be fooled – meditation doesn’t have to fall into any kind of stereotype. There are other ways to meditate like walking meditation, consistent mindfulness practice, inner work practices in every moment, and so on. Many people find it helpful to sit in meditation for 5 minutes a day and focus on the breath, then begin increasing the amount of time. Once you get the hang of it, you can meditate anywhere and you will naturally begin to notice more, be more aware, and understand more from more perspectives. It is a way to train your mind to work with you rather than fighting against you. This practice will quiet your thoughts and allow your mind to become still.

  1. Practice Letting Things Go

Letting go of things that don’t serve us is a practice; you have to start to get better at it, and those first few times can seem daunting, especially before you begin. What do you hold on to that you maybe don’t realize you’re holding on to? Are you holding on to an addiction? An abusive relationship? A feeling of loneliness? A disease, or fear of disease? Depression? Anxiety? The more you embrace the idea as well as the process of letting things go, the easier it will be to actually let things go permanently.

  1. Seek Out Healing as Needed

Oftentimes we go through traumatic things and don’t know how to let them go or learn to accept them as part of our life experience. We don’t forgive the thing or person that “caused” the trauma and we don’t forgive ourselves for “letting” it happen. This can create issues in the subconscious mind, among other things, so seeking out a healing modality that works for you is key. It doesn’t matter if the modality is psychiatry, coaching, Reiki, or QHHT; the point is that it has to be the right one for you. What has occurred in your life experience that might be negatively affecting you from a deep level? The answers lie within, and anything you are drawn to that can help you heal is worth looking into and exploring.

  1. Get Rid of Excess Physical Clutter

Remember how much abundance and excess we live in: we buy and consume, then work to buy and consume more, all the while complaining that there isn’t enough of something or another, and what purpose does the majority of this “stuff” actually serve? Does it serve any? When is the last time you used or wore something? Or even looked at it? Do you need all this stuff? Or is it time to lighten your load a little bit?

  1. Get Rid of Excess Relationship Clutter

Are there some people you love spending time with and others whom you feel obligated to spend time with? Some people who make you feel amazing and light, while some drag you into a pit of misery? It’s up to you to decide which people in your life are the most important to you, whether they treat you in ways that damage you or not, and which relationships you want to nurture with your time, energy, and love. Sometimes this requires you to set a boundary with someone, and sometimes the boundaries you have to set will upset people around you who wish to control you and your life. Stay strong. You know what’s best for you and your life.

  1. Simplify Your Daily Routine

From the food you eat to the exercise and self-care routines you incorporate into your daily life, it’s these habits and daily rituals that will accumulate to help you achieve larger goals. Simplifying your daily routine might just mean creating one in the first place; you might want to do a workout in the morning or you might prefer working out in the evening. Whatever your needs are, changing one thing at a time is the best way I’ve found to break old habits and create new ones.

Simplifying your life is truly up to you and what you want your life to look like. What is it that you desire? Do you wish for a simple daily experience, creating art, writing, making music, or do you prefer to travel, experience different cultures, and interact with high-end clients or eager audiences full of your fans? Whatever it is that you desire, there are steps to take in order to get to where you want to be, and along the way, your goals might shift and evolve, and they may even change completely. Be open to whatever happens, the opportunities life likes to show you, and take charge of your time and energy.

No matter what your life may look like, you have the power to make the changes you wish to see in your experience. It all begins from within, but you can definitely help yourself along by taking inspired action on your journey and seeking out the opportunities that call to you. When you stop worrying, the answers show up. It’s up to us to pay attention to them and take advantage of the opportunities presented to us. What are you waiting for? If not you then who… and if not now then when?

Thank you so much for joining us here on the Mindful Leader Blog! We hope that you find this information useful, and even more so we hope that you take the initiative to apply the knowledge you gain here in order to fully step into your power.


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