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How Unconditional Love is Reflected Back to You by Your Life Experiences

Tuesday, 28 August 2018 03:16 Written by  Jennifer Crystal-Johnson

Once you have begun working on loving yourself unconditionally, evidence of unconditional love will begin to appear in your life from various different sources. Unless you’re in an extreme situation such as abuse and need to get out of the circumstance, this will likely be an illuminating experience for you with minimal emotional trauma to purge. However, if you’re waking up from abuse of any kind, it is that much more important for you to love yourself so that you don’t backslide and stay in or go back to the very circumstance that has created your low self-worth. This will also assist you in not repeating the cycle and attracting a similar situation into your life experience, which is what we hope to prevent through these inner work and mindfulness practices. The better we know our own emotional triggers, the more successful we can be at defusing them in the moment and moving on. Today, however, we’ll focus on paying attention to the feedback you can receive from your life experiences based on the energetic vibration you are sending out.

When you begin to really practice unconditional love for yourself, your experiences will reflect that energy back to you. You might suddenly find yourself in a completely new environment with numerous like-minded individuals, for example, and be accepted into the fold relatively quickly. You may begin to experience more and more kindness from others, everything from strangers holding the door for you and people randomly giving you something you need to shopping carts appearing right when and where you need them.

Unconditional love is the same energy as the energy that is connected to everything in existence throughout eternity. Quantum physicists call this the infinite field of possibilities. The more aligned you are with this state of being, the more enhanced your life will become. This doesn’t mean that you’ll always feel this way on a constant basis; there will likely be emotional triggers to work through, but once you know how to let those emotions out, identify the reasons behind them, and let the whole mess go through forgiveness and compassion, you can easily align yourself again with unconditional love afterwards.

When you experience more love and appreciation for yourself, you will see that love and appreciation reflected back to you in all kinds of ways. This can happen through people, coincidences that seem like luck, things you desire finding their way to you in interesting, roundabout ways, and many other ways. This is the universe reflecting your own energy back to you in ways that your human body can interpret through sensory perception.

I feel compelled to stress here how important appreciation is. Appreciation of yourself, appreciation of others, and appreciation of anything that the universe might bestow you with. Appreciation for the smaller things leads to more appreciation of the bigger things, and that appreciation attracts more things for you to feel appreciation for.

Recognizing Your Power

The most interesting aspect of this to me is how we are actually creating what we experience based on our energy. However, the majority of us believe that we only attract the negative things (“bad karma”) and the positive things are luck, miracles, or coincidences.

Begin recognizing those positive manifestations as your own doing, and focus more on those than on anything that might be “wrong” in your life. If you’re going to take responsibility for everything, then it had better be everything, right? The good, the bad, and everything in between. It sounds a little counter-intuitive, but this will also help you to solve the problems you’re not focusing on by keeping you open to opportunities that present themselves as they come up so you can act immediately, while you’re inspired to. This makes decision-making much easier and the emotional aspects of it more comfortable to work through.

To help you attract more positive experiences and begin stepping into your own empowerment, you can create affirmations to help yourself such as:

“I am the creator of my own experience.”

“Everything is always working out for me.”

“I am unconditional love.”

“I am open to receiving.”

“I exist in the flow of life.”

Experiential Evidence

Sometimes we have experiences when we truly feel like everything is going our way. That free parking space right in front of the door is a great example. Elements of a project coming together in an effortless and inspired way is another wonderful one, albeit “bigger.” Turning around with your hands full to find an empty shopping cart abandoned in the aisle is another good one.

Those little things that we don’t take the time to ponder and appreciate could be trying to lead us to something that we desire in our lives. Do we really want to ignore that communication from the universe? When things like this happen, take a moment to point them out to yourself or someone who is of like mind, and celebrate briefly by feeling appreciation for it. Just a few moments of staying in that feeling of appreciation will help you to attract so much more, and with a foundation of unconditional love, this will become effortless for you.

Thank you so much for joining us again this week! We hope that our content has been resonating with you and that you’ll join us next month for more on the Mindful Leader Blog. Remember that your mindset is everything, so taking the time to cultivate a mindset that serves you rather than hindering you is so important. We hope that you see all of the success you set out to!


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