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Mindfully Learning and Applying the Laws of the Universe (7 Hermetic Principles)

Tuesday, 17 July 2018 02:05 Written by 

By now we’re all familiar with the Law of Attraction, partially due to the movie The Secret introducing this concept to the mainstream. However, all 7 of these principles are intertwined and connected, so knowing only one aspect of these allows for only partial understanding and ineffective manifestation of your desires. In today’s article, we’d like to introduce you to the 7 Hermetic Principles, universal laws that apply to everything behind the scenes, whether we “believe” in them or not. These laws include the Principles of Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Causality, and Gender. Let’s explore what they are and how we can apply this ancient wisdom to our modern lives and use it to more effectively co-create our reality.

Before we dive into the meat of this topic, the 7 Hermetic Principles were originally a philosophy of Hermes Trismegistus and followed in ancient Egypt and Greece. A book called The Kybalion, written by “Three Initiates,” is a study of these principles and available on Amazon if you would like to learn more independently. The basics of the 7 Principles can be explained somewhat simply and applied to modern day life if we are able to connect conceptual ideas to physical manifestations, which is how we will be exploring these topics today. There are links and resources listed at the end of the article for your convenience and perusal should you crave more knowledge.

Having said that, let’s dive into the 7 Hermetic Principles, the Law of Attraction being part of them, and how they apply to our daily experiences as we journey through life. Learning about and applying the knowledge of these principles can drastically change your life, and it has been stated by many that this information won’t find you until you’re ready for it on some level, so welcome! We hope that it helps you in your mindful leadership, coaching endeavors, and your life as a whole.

The Principle of Mentalism: All is Mind

The universe is mental; everything is consciousness first. The thought must come before the manifestation at all times, and quantum physics has now proven this law of the universe scientifically, as discussed in the previous week’s article.

In practical terms, “all is mind” means that the thought process must happen before the creation process, so you would have an idea for something and then create it. This happens on many levels at all times, the most obvious of which being the physical creation through inspired action of something that began as an idea.

On another level, the thoughts and ideas create desires for certain experiences or “things” in your life. If you are sending out a certain vibration, it will attract experiences of that vibration, so if you’re in a state of worry, anxiety, and fear, your life experiences will proceed to provide you with evidence that your beliefs (worries and fear in this case; beliefs are just thoughts we have thought repeatedly and are now stored in the subconscious) are true and justified. However, if you approach life from a place of love and inner peace, your experiences will manifest matching that vibration.

This is why it appears that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer; the wealthy are constantly looking at abundance and living in it, so it’s very easy to get into a mindset and vibration of abundance because they are continuously looking at it (that’s not to say they have “no problems,” though). Meanwhile, those in poverty are constantly being presented with money troubles, stress, and a sense of lack, which attracts more of a sense of lack and money problems. However, if we can shift our state and focus only on what we want to grow (in this case abundance) rather than being focused on the lack thereof, then we will also attract experiences that align with our vibrational state.

The Principle of Correspondence: As Above, so Below; As Within, so Without; as the Universe, so the Soul

This principle encompasses the idea that everything in the universe (all planes of existence) is connected and corresponds together. Like fractals, the microcosm and macrocosm are connected and reflect each other and interact to continuously co-create whatever the mental and emotional focus is. This principle represents balance and a reflection of our inner world manifested in our outer experiences.

This connection between the microcosm and macrocosm can be most easily imagined when we consider that our human body is home to trillions and trillions of cells and other lifeforms (like bacteria), and the earth is a larger scale of a similar entity, where we, animals, and all life on earth are interconnected yet separately going about our tasks, jobs, lives, and experiences. However, we are directly impacted by the earth and her energy fields, and the earth, in turn, is affected by other celestial beings, the galaxy, and that in turn is affected by other galaxies. You get the idea; everything is connected, large and small.

Whatever you have created within yourself is what will manifest in your experience and be reflected back to you so that you may choose differently or continue to follow the same unconscious conditioned patterns. That is the purpose of us creating our physical experience: to allow us to make adjustments and choose differently next time because we can actively observe the way our inner world affects the outer world we experience.

If someone is dealing with a lot of emotional baggage, repressed trauma, addiction, and so on, then this might manifest in physical reality as conflict, stress, and “evidence” to keep doing things the same way and expect a different result. We cannot expect solutions to arise unless we approach the problem from a place of openness and receptivity, otherwise, our vibrational state doesn’t match the solutions we’re seeking and we end up repeating undesirable or ineffective patterns of behavior.

Likewise, if someone has worked through, purged, and released toxic or negative energies, they will begin to manifest more positive experiences because their mind-body-spirit system is coming into alignment to allow for a much more joyful existence to manifest itself based on your higher vibrational state.

The Principle of Vibration: Nothing Rests; Everything Moves; Everything Vibrates

We live in an illusion of stillness because our world seems solid and sturdy to us. However, when we consider the previous principle and understand that the earth and all of the other celestial bodies are flying through space at staggering rates of speed, it becomes a little easier to remember that nothing is ever actually “still.”

Our hearts are always beating, cells are always at work, lungs always taking in breath to distribute oxygen to the cells throughout the body. All of this happens automatically and effortlessly, just like the planets flying through space. Nobody is pushing or pulling anything; this is all natural, self-organized, and nature is abundant and effortless. Nothing strains or resists in nature.

Science tells us that an atom is energy and 99.999% empty space. The rate of its vibration determines how “dense” an object will appear to us, and these particles then take on form, change form, or are redirected.

What this means for us is that we can change or adjust our own vibrational state of being through changing our mindset. Everything is mental first, and our frequency is directly affected by the thoughts we think, so consciously choosing your focus is one way in which you can raise the rate at which your atoms vibrate. In practical terms, this simply means that we choose to observe our thoughts, choose what we like, discard what doesn’t serve us, and re-create our world from that higher perspective.

What we give our focus to will grow, and we have power over our focus. Why not use it?

The Principle of Polarity: Everything is Dual; Everything has Poles

“Everything has its pair of opposites; Like and unlike are the same; Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; Extremes meet; All truths, are but half-truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled.”

Even extreme opposites are just different degrees of the same thing. Hot and cold are different temperatures; high and low are just different measurements of a vertical scale. This can also be applied to our inner worlds: hatred and love are opposing emotions; fear and courage; joy and depression. These opposing ends of the emotional spectrum also trigger opposing unconscious behaviors, so again, it is all connected. Some emotions vibrate at a higher rate (the positive ones) and some emotions vibrate at a lower or denser rate (the negative ones).

The Principle of Rhythm: Everything Flows, Out and In; Everything has its Tides; All Things Rise and Fall

There is rhythm between each opposing polarity, so anything that is at one extreme will swing into the opposite extreme in an equal manner. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Like a pendulum swinging back and forth, it is up to us to “steady our wobble” (Abraham-Hicks) and maintain a sense of inner peace and harmony no matter what our outer circumstances look like because we will likely experience all kinds of different ups and downs throughout our lives.

Since everything is energy first and emotions are the energy we feed our personal and individual lives with, and consciousness creates form, then it only makes sense to steady our emotional state first in order to steady our physical experiences. Understanding the ebb and flow, the back and forth, the cyclical nature of our lives, will allow us to better prepare for the ebb and go with the flow as it comes up. We know there will be another ebb and another flow, and both of those are neither good nor bad; what we think of them is positive or negative, and we can choose to be grateful even for the things that we see as “bad” because they allow us to clarify what we want by helping us determine and define what we don’t want. The purpose of the “negative” experiences is to help us refine and gain clarity on what experiences we will choose next.

Part of being able to maintain resilience and bounce back after challenges is not being emotionally attached to anything in the physical world. This includes career, home, vehicle, job, family, friends, and anything else you may encounter in the physical world. Mindful detachment means we care and are present in the moment, but we do not allow those feelings to bleed over into codependency or dependency on physical objects or circumstances.

“You see, whatever happens, I don’t mind.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti

The Principle of Cause and Effect: Every Cause Has its Effect; Every Effect Has its Cause

Chance is but a name for law not recognized.” – The Kybalion

Being able to see the connections between your actions and their consequences means that you will be able to recognize how those actions affect your physical experience. This allows you the option and the freedom to choose differently next time.

There are no coincidences and we are always and constantly sending and receiving signals on a vibrational level, the signals we send out are then attracting similar vibratory experiences to us, and this plays out in our lives. As we observe this and get to know ourselves on that level, we become more and more empowered to change the behavior patterns that don’t serve us and create new patterns that do.

Be the cause, not the effect, but understand that each cause has an effect. By making our choices, we are also choosing the consequences that come with them. By choosing to be the cause and take personal responsibility for everything, including whatever consequences may follow, we step into the empowered role of master and leave the contrasting victim mentality behind.

The Principle of Gender: Gender is in Everything; Everything Has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender Manifests on All Planes

While body gender is a physical manifestation, we each embody masculine as well as feminine energies, and this can be illustrated relatively easily when we consider the two hemispheres of the brain. Part of the brain that is centralized is the pineal gland (within the epithalamus, part of the thalamus), which is also believed to be where consciousness resides and is also referred to as the third eye. How interesting that this is the place where it all comes together, in essence “joining” the hemispheres of the brain and harmonizing masculine and feminine energy at the same time.

This is only the physical manifestation of it, though, and the reason we now know this is because brain scan and imaging technology have allowed us to dig deeper and reveal the evidence that’s been there all along.

When we come to understand that we each have masculine and feminine energies, just like everything else in existence, we can begin to break down this concept and understand how our energies might be imbalanced or out of alignment. Some masculine energy aspects are being focused in action, logic, analysis, and recognizing parts and pieces of things but not connecting it to the whole. Feminine energy aspects are creativity, intuition, flow, introspection, and bringing ideas and concepts together.

When there is an imbalance that leans more toward masculine energy, we may find ourselves leaning toward more masculine behaviors, which can manifest as control, force, and working without a real purpose. When an imbalance leans more toward feminine energy, we may find ourselves caught up in the inner work process, reflection, creativity, and inspiration, but without any structured goals or habits for achieving them.

These 7 Principles, when in harmony within your understanding, allow you to manifest your desires more quickly and maintain your inner peace and joy as you journey from one moment to the next, regardless of your physical environment. If you are constantly surrounded by chaos and stress, this is a good indicator that there is an imbalance in one or more of these areas, and it is up to you to recognize the issues within yourself and begin to heal and release any negative emotions surrounding the experience. This is a process and won’t happen overnight, but there are numerous different healing modalities you can use to help yourself get to the next level of your journey.

In next week’s article, we will discuss how to recognize divinity in your everyday life and create a practice of tapping into it if you so desire. These ideas may sound a little “out there” sometimes, but when we really begin to think critically about all of the connections and apply these seemingly abstract concepts to our everyday lives, we are able to more easily recognize how these ideas impact us from one moment to the next. Quantum physics and the laws of the universe don’t only apply while they’re being studied in a lab or a controlled environment. Remember that the particles that make up everything in existence are all around us and within us and within everything, all the time, while also connected to the Infinite Field of Possibilities. This is happening right now, and in every NOW to follow.

Thank you so much for being here! We certainly hope that you’ve found this information useful and applicable to your life as a mindful leader. Your journey here is an important one and completely unique to you, while your contributions and self-healing efforts are serving a much bigger purpose by creating a ripple effect within the collective. We are all connected, under the illusion that we are separate and alone. As you begin to open your mind to the infinite possibilities, remember that you ARE the creator of your own life, your own reality, and what you create is an echo-reflection of what you have thought and felt.

You quite literally hold all the cards. Time for self-empowerment (because that’s the only kind there really is).


For more information about the Mindfulness Movement or the International Mindfulness Federation, please visit:


Further Reading & Resources:


The Kybalion on Amazon


More on the 7 Hermetic Principles


How Enlightenment Changes the Brain:


5 Steps to Enlightenment from a Neuroscientist:

Executive Coaching University

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