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Science Supporting Spirituality and the Existence of the Divine

Tuesday, 10 July 2018 11:56 Written by  Jennifer Crystal-Johnson

For many of us, it happens that we are taught a specific idea, concept, or rule of conduct, but when we grow up and enter the so-called “real world,” we eventually begin to learn that there are as many ways of living life as there are living beings in the world. Okay, so maybe not all of us figure that out, but we at least get a basic understanding that not everything we were taught is necessarily accurate or based in fact, which is typically when we get curious and begin to seek out our own answers. Sometimes when we learn that things are different than what we thought, it can feel like those who were supposed to guide us lied to us or cheated us out of true information in some way, but chances are that they didn’t know what they didn’t know, either, and were just passing on regurgitated information unconsciously. This is the level at which most human beings have operated for generations now, but we each have the incredible ability to not only change and grow our minds on purpose but to literally affect our entire life experience on a physical level by taking control of our consciousness on a non-physical level. Let’s explore some of the science that supports seemingly “magical” spiritual concepts… and how this evidence can be applied to physical reality and our everyday experiences.

So, to begin with, we will need to pull from several scientific areas in order to ignite the imagination with implied possibilities. However, if you are holding onto any beliefs that contradict these scientifically proven and currently-being-studied ideas, then you may want to consider this first (I do this a lot to “clean the slate” and create a beginner’s mind approach within myself):

Everything we know is wrong. Yes, Weird Al was right when he wrote that song, as nonsensical as it is, but the idea is that the best way to learn something new, reprogram your mind, or even upgrade your mindset about any given topic, is to begin by knowing that you could be wrong about everything you think you know. And there’s nothing wrong with that unless you ask your ego, which will likely put up a fight or be triggered just by reading that statement. As always, check in with those emotions, acknowledge them, and remember that everything is temporary.

Having said that and hopefully inspired a beginner’s mind, or at least a level of child-like curiosity, let’s explore some of the evidence and ideas that help tie it all together and support spiritual concepts and beliefs.

Intriguing Fact #1: DMT Helps Us Shift Dimensions of Consciousness

DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) is a naturally occurring psychedelic substance within the human brain and is also referred to as the Spirit Molecule. This chemical floods our brains naturally only twice during human existence, once during birth and once during death, and maybe there to aid us in our transition into and out of this physical dimension. Dimensions are levels of consciousness… and down the rabbit hole, we go!

In ancient South American civilizations, they have traditionally accessed this psychedelic substance during shamanic ceremonies through the use of a specific combination of herbs brewed into a tea called Ayahuasca. The reason for the tea is to prolong the psychedelic effects of DMT and trigger a spiritual journey. Normally, in its raw form by itself, DMT is metabolized by the human body within seconds or even milliseconds, and without any consciously perceivable hallucinogenic effects. However, when prepared properly, your “trip” may last under 30 minutes or three hours or more if participating in an Ayahuasca ceremony.

What makes this even more interesting are the similarities of the hallucinations people have. Most often, people describe seeing self-organizing geometric shapes (like fractals) sometimes referred to as machine elves, and many people report interacting with entities or beings of light, who were expecting them to show up and interact. While this can sound a little “out there” on some levels, typically people don’t have such similar experiences across the board with psychedelics, so this aspect is particularly fascinating.

Intriguing Fact #2: Our Physical Senses Are Limited to Perceiving Only 1% of Everything

Our physical senses can only perceive about 1% of what is actually in existence all around us. This includes colors, sounds, and we don’t even have any idea how to measure smells and tastes, or how some of our senses even work. As science uncovers more and more detailed information and we are able to refine the facts and knowledge we have, I’m sure we’ll be able to understand the senses much better. However, that doesn’t change the fact that we human beings are severely limited in our perception in a physical sense, although we can train ourselves to understand and perceive much more by developing our intuition.

Sometimes referred to as the 6th sense, our intuition actually plays a much bigger role in our existence than we realize. How does intuition work? Our subconscious is constantly processing information, always transmitting and receiving information from all around us, so we are able to “know” things without being able to pinpoint why because we “feel” it based on all of the information our mind has already processed subconsciously. Sometimes “why” doesn’t matter as much as “Ah-Ha!”

Intriguing Fact #3: Our Brains Can Heal Themselves via Neuroplasticity

Up until somewhat recently, people believed that the brain was a static thing; whatever you learn in the beginning of life is how you are “hard-wired,” we’re victims to our genetic materials, and there’s nothing we can do to change it. Fortunately, science has given us ample evidence to put away that doom-and-gloom victim mentality and reach for a much more effective perspective: WE are the creators of our own experience, and therefore WE have the ability to re-create ourselves in any way we want to. The implications of literally having the ability to control or change things with our thoughts (combined with technology this has allowed for the development of mind-controlled artificial limbs, among other things), including our genes, is mind-boggling the more layers of understanding you uncover.

Through inner work practices such as forgiveness, gratitude, mindfulness, meditation, and consistent learning, people have been able to heal themselves through all kinds of different ailments. Individuals have healed themselves, for example, from PTSD, anxiety, depression, TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), OCD, and many more. This can be explored even further through healing modalities such as the MAP (Manifesting All Possibilities) system, QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), hypnosis, EFT tapping, Somatic Experiencing, and others. Breakthroughs are constantly being made in these areas, so the world of emotional and mental healing is also expanding and growing with more effective modalities being created and discovered all the time. Certain modalities don’t take much time at all and have seemingly miraculous results, but these results are not so miraculous when we understand that everything in existence is energy and information beneath the surface.

Intriguing Fact #4: Everything is Energy, Information, Light, and Sound

Quantum physics tells us many enlightening facts about life and nature that can seem complex and challenging for us to apply to our individual physical reality in a practical sense. Because some of the information and evidence is completely counterintuitive to what we have been taught as “truth” all along, we humans are resistant to having to change our perspective as new evidence is discovered. But we can! As evidenced by neuroplasticity, our perception is within our control, and therefore so is our life experience.

Back to quantum physics.

“If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” – Niels Bohr

So… what is “real?”

Is it what we perceive with our physical senses? Or is true reality the underlying energetic signature within each atom? According to research, each atom consists of spinning vortexes of energy, and upon closer inspection, these contain a number of other infinitely small vortices of energy called quarks and photons, which are what makes up the structure of the atom. Nothing physical. When you inspect the atom even further, you find that 99.999% of the atom itself is empty space. Energy and space are all that makes up our universe.

The one thing to keep in mind about quantum physics is that it’s not some “scientific study” that only happens in a lab. This is going on at a level beyond our physical perception all the time, constantly, all around us as well as within us, as well as within everything else in existence. That means that the results they discover in a lab are applicable to everything, whether we choose to believe it or not. It’s like gravity or the air we breathe… you can choose not to “believe” in it, but it will still be very much at work within your life, 100% of the time.

One of the first and most important fundamental and life-altering conclusions of quantum physics is that the observer creates the reality, and we are, each of us, observers. This means that, simply by beginning to pay attention to our life experience, we can alter it from within by utilizing our mind as it was intended to be: consciously.

Intriguing Fact #5: Our Emotions Are More Important Than We’ve Realized

Our emotional energy plays a vital role in our consciousness, which in turn creates our reality. This is why, in practical terms, you might see someone who complains a lot experience more things that prove the belief that there is always something to complain about. On the other hand, you might see someone who is joyful, successful, and seems to have it all, and they will typically express feelings of gratitude and love more often than not. When you begin to clean up your thoughts, there cease to be things to complain about because you are focused on the positives rather than the negatives.

Scientific studies about how certain mental illnesses and emotional factors play into things such as heart disease have taught us that our emotional states are very much capable of affecting our physical bodies, and when you look at things from a perception of everything being energy, it becomes more and more obvious that our own toxic thoughts and emotions are contaminating our physical bodies and even affecting the collective through our connection to others and to the Infinite Field of Possibility. Like an energetic ripple, we directly impact those around us with our emotional state of being, which in turn affects others, and so on… and we are part of the whole, so the whole must be affected by our state of being.

What typically creates dis-ease within the body is an internalization or suppression of toxic emotions, like when you hold onto a grudge against someone or choose to fuel desires for revenge within your thoughts. Resentment, anxiety, rage, and other fear-based emotions can also have a detrimental effect on your wellbeing on multiple levels.

It’s important to note here that, as we study intangible concepts, scientific evidence may not have been discovered or revealed to the extent that some individuals may need it to be before becoming “convinced” or open enough to reprogram those deep-seated beliefs. Change, especially paradigm-shifting change, always brings with it resistance from those most comfortable in the current status quo, but this is a natural part of the human growth and evolution process. Sometimes we can’t get “there” from where we are, and it simply means that those resisting change are a few steps in consciousness away, or on another path altogether. Either way, it all serves a purpose and it is all a manifestation of the thoughts we think and the emotions we feel.

Intriguing Fact #6: Atoms, Photons, and Autonomous Space Dust

The so-called building blocks of life are literally all around us at all times. The universe thrives on creating life, and life is everywhere! It is in such great abundance, yet we are puzzled as to why we feel so “alone” in the universe. The truth is, we have yet to realize the truth: we are not alone, but we believe we are, therefore creating our physical experience based on the beliefs we’ve cultivated as a collective and individually.

So, let’s allow those beliefs to evolve. What if I told you that molecules from space are able to self-organize into helix-shaped structures similar to DNA? And what if I told you those same structures then revise themselves, evolve, by discarding what doesn’t work and keeping what does. Sound familiar?

This happens on every level of existence, small and large, physical and non-physical. Now think about this… if your cells and all of the little pieces and parts that make up your entire physical body are working together but specifically have their own purpose, each with their assigned tasks, wouldn’t it stand to reason that things affecting your physical body will also affect each individual cell because it is part of the whole? And if consciousness creates form and an observer can change their reality, doesn’t it stand to reason that you, through proper use of your mind and emotional systems, can directly affect the programming of your cells by reprogramming yourself, your perception, and your physical wellness?

These are incredible times we live in! The more mainstream this scientific evidence becomes, the more we will see positive change in the world through individuals choosing to awaken and truly step into their own power. We are all capable and worthy of this power… all we have to do is acknowledge it, tap into it, and trust that our journey is exactly the right journey for us each as individuals. Your inner divinity is exactly that: within you. All of these scientific factors simply serve as encouragement and to help open skeptical minds to new possibilitiesinfinite possibilities. In each moment, that is what “reality” actually is.

Thank you so much for being here! We hope you enjoyed this article exploring some of the scientific evidence backing spiritual concepts. Please join us next week for a closer examination of the fractal, cyclical nature of the universe and how that relates to our life experience.


For more information about the Mindfulness Movement or the International Mindfulness Federation, please visit:


Further Reading (Sources):


“Machine Elves” and More on DMT:,N-Dimethyltryptamine

Physical Senses


Quantum Physics

Emotions & Physical Health

Space Dust

More on Quantum Physics and the Infinite Field of Possibilities

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