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Mindfully Recognizing Your Inner Divinity

Tuesday, 03 July 2018 03:11 Written by  Jennifer Crystal-Johnson

We are each a spark of the divine consciousness that created everything in existence. This is especially important to understand and embrace in conjunction with the law of attraction and understanding how manifestation or co-creation of physical reality works, but for now, I’d like to share with you some ideas about the divinity within you. Now, this is not to say that you, “are God,” in a power-hungry, ego-driven way, but rather that you are a part of the divine, whatever label you may prefer to use, and as such, you are the embodiment of the consciousness aspect that creates your daily experience just by BEING. By observing and experiencing your own life and existence, you are influencing how you experience reality, and this implication can be seen proven scientifically through the double slit experiment in quantum physics. Connecting this concept or idea to your physical reality in practical terms allows you to co-create your reality on purpose more easily because you understand that your decisions, your actions, your emotions, and your thoughts all contribute to the development of your perception, and this is happening on a constant basis. Overwhelming, right? It doesn’t have to be. Let’s simplify.

You don’t have to micromanage every thought, word, deed, or emotion every second of every day. That perspective or idea comes from a programmed or conditioned fear-based perception that is very common in today’s world; almost everyone operates from this unconscious fear-based program (but you can reprogram your brain, as proven by neuroscience; more on that in next week’s post) unless and until they begin to see the patterns within their own lives. This fear-based programming creates a need for control of external factors, which complicates everything because you cannot control anything or anyone outside of yourself through fear-driven means without repercussions of the same vibration.

When we try to control the things outside of ourselves, we are approaching the situation from a place rooted in fear. We fear that the things outside of ourselves won’t behave in the ways we want them to, so we try to force the pieces into place the way we think they need to fall into place, even though there is a divine plan for you and your life as a whole which you have already co-created in conjunction with your soul and Source energy or God. Whichever label you feel most comfortable with will work as everything originates from Source; nothing is not from Source; everything in existence, seen and unseen, originates from Source.

If everything originates from Source and Source is unconditional love and light, then why is there so-called “evil” in the world?

The nature of physical reality requires the existence of duality or opposites, otherwise Newton’s Third Law of Motion would be inaccurate. This applies to emotions and behaviors as well as inanimate physical objects; interactions with others and interpersonal relationships as well as everything else.

The same conflict occurs inside each of us as human beings as we grow through everything that happens within our lives. We each have the opportunity to make choices that are either perceived as “good” or “bad,” and how we ourselves perceive and judge those choices on an emotional and spiritual level determines what will come back to us. However, we can direct that by understanding that duality is the human experience; no matter what, we will always experience things that we perceive as “negative” and things that we perceive as “positive.” It is by accepting that we need both to live fully, evolve, expand, and grow as human beings and souls that we can practice mindful emotional detachment and begin seeing things from a much broader perspective of understanding.

This doesn’t mean that there won’t ever be anything “bad” that happens. Rather, it simply means that the circumstances in your life no longer emotionally affect you to the point of becoming spiritually and emotionally not at ease, which can create physical dis-ease within your body if it’s a habitual response.

Do you find yourself living in extremes? Going from one extreme to another? Constantly putting out fires but not getting anywhere? This is your inner emotional duality or conflict manifesting itself as physical experiences in your life. Remember, your consciousness co-creates your reality, and you are co-creating all the time with everything and everyone else in existence, all working together harmoniously to keep the universe running smoothly and as it is supposed to.

Think of the universe like the physical body of Source or God, and all of the contained aspects being parts and pieces that help make the whole function, similarly to our bodies which are home to trillions and trillions of cells and bacterial life forms. As we evolve, everything else evolves with us because it is part of us, but also can be seen as separate. As the universe evolves and expands and things change “out there,” it is actually affecting everything within us as well because we are part of the whole (the universe or Source’s “body” so to speak). Just like the earth’s frequencies and resonance affect us because we are part of her, we affect everything around us in our life experience as well as within us. Whatever we feel and think about most is what we will end up creating, whether it’s perceived as “bad” or “good.”

You cannot have one without the other, and our decision as human beings lies in choosing which type of life we would like to live. What types of experiences do we want to have and participate in? For someone who grew up in an area where gang activity was commonplace and maybe the gangs were even running the community, then a life of perceived badassery and action might be a child’s desire if they come from that world. They wouldn’t know that there’s a better way unless they had been exposed to it, and we don’t know what we don’t know, so this is why we see so many generations repeating the same patterns of behavior.

However, for someone who grew up in a suburban neighborhood with well-to-do parents, living a calm and comfortable lifestyle will probably seem most attractive, so they will likely go to college, get a decent career going, and live as comfortably as they can. Make no mistake, though; each of these examples has its good and bad aspects, and terrible things happening don’t discriminate based on class, race, or lifestyle. In the case of middle-class families, the “negative” aspect might be greed (fear of losing material things) or invisible forms of abusive behavior within a family unit such as emotional or spiritual abuse.

No matter which world you may be from, I bet there have been good times as well as bad, and your experience and perception has been colored by all of it. The key is which experiences you choose to focus on so that they grow. So, for example, someone growing up in a gang-run area may decide that they would rather focus on their education and getting away from that particular lifestyle. Once this decision has been made and therefore the desire expressed to the universe, things will begin to happen to help this child along their way. However, resistance is very common; when someone initiates change for themselves, people around them may begin to express anger, confusion, and other forms of resistance. The reasons behind their behavior will vary, but for anyone initiating change for themselves, it will look like attack for trying to do better. This is a test of resolve; how much do we really want to better our life experience? If it were easy, everyone would be enlightened and joyful and loving already and we wouldn’t have the issues around the world that we do.

For a child from suburbia, this will look like what TV sitcoms and movies portray as “typical” teenage behaviors of rebellion. This scenario can be tough, too, because people in this lifestyle perceive each other as having it all together, and may be raised to uphold a superficial façade of perfection despite the reality being completely different behind closed doors. Now, of course, this doesn’t apply to everyone in this exact way; these are just examples to illustrate that each decision comes with its positive and negative aspects, and it is by embracing them all that we can become peaceful from within.

This is all part of the duality experience. Now, I’ve already said that what you focus on grows… the exact same rule applies to “negative” things, but the saying is what you resist persists. Something has to be released and surrendered to by one aspect or another, otherwise whatever is occurring will continue and pick up momentum or escalate.

But we want the good things to continue and the bad things to be less and less. So how do we go about doing that?

Your inner divine nature understands that everything is Source, nothing is not Source, and that everything in existence is connected to everything as well as to Source, because Source is everything. This includes each of us as well as all living and seemingly non-living things. I say this because everything is made of energy and light, and is vibrating at a specific frequency that holds it in a certain pattern. Our universe and everything in it is literally made of light held together by gravity and given structure by sound we cannot perceive through our physical senses. As mentioned in a previous article, the human DNA molecule gravitationally pulls in and stores photons of light, and the DNA then holds these photons of light gravitationally and vibrates at whatever frequency that coincides with the consciousness of the blueprint information stored within the DNA molecule. There are other incredible things about that experiment as well, but I digress. To read that previous article, please go to:

Now that you have more background knowledge, we can dive into exploring and connecting with your divine nature or soul.

3 Ways to Recognize Your Inner Divinity in Your Everyday Experience

When most of us think of divinity, we think of glowing white clouds, the imagined “pearly gates” of heaven in the sky, or Jesus performing miracles (at least that was what I used to think of based on my conditioning). However, divinity can be found everywhere because Source is everywhere, so you can choose to “tap in” and see divinity within your daily experience as well. Here are a few ways in which your divine inner self may make some noise within your life. Hint: when it does, you should listen, as this inner divinity offers guidance for your highest purpose in this life. It’s just a matter of tuning into it.

  1. Your intuition knows more than your ego does. While the mind and logic are excellent advisors, they can be horrendously wrong on their own, so intuition is important when you’re going through your daily experiences and especially when you’re dealing with other human beings because yes, some human beings choose to “feed the evil wolf,” so to speak. The majority of the time, people who have chosen an abusive, violent, or criminal path are excellent at convincing those outside of themselves that they are charming, kind, and completely “normal.” One of the most extreme examples are certain serial killers who seemed perfectly normal to everyone around them, some of whom actually sold human flesh to others as food, and this “seeming normal” is actually more common than one might think. However, a more common example are those we would broadly term “toxic people,” who are manipulative and thrive on drama and chaos for various different reasons so that they can energetically “feed” on the emotions and turmoil of others. This emotional manipulation and terrorism can be perpetrated by a single individual who may not even consciously understand what they are doing, but they do it anyway and can destroy lives with false accusations, outrageous behavior such as throwing temper tantrums, and oftentimes you will see them smirk as something dramatic is going on which they set in motion, taking pleasure in others’ pain and suffering. When interacting with others, listen to those little nudges from within and pay attention. If your intuition is guiding you to a truth, it is one that will be good to know.
  2. Duality cannot be avoided, but when embraced and not resisted, the positive aspects have space to thrive. Your emotions and focus determine what will manifest in your physical experience, so the calmer your emotions are, the less duality there is. When you oscillate from one extreme to the other on a regular basis like I once did, it can manifest as severe or extreme experiences such as loss of career, loss of home, death in the family, accidents, and all manner of upheaval. Likewise, when your excitement borders on mania, this can manifest many positive and amazing things, but you end up quickly oscillating back to the other extreme, so the positive manifestations aren’t consistent. Your focus determines the length of time the experience may last, so if you are focused on the negative aspects and fighting against them or giving them fear-based or “negative” emotional attention, then whatever circumstances you’re dealing with will escalate. However, if your focus is on gratitude for and acceptance of what already is—whether you perceive it as “good” or “bad”—then you are not resisting what’s happening and you can more easily go with where your life is leading you.
  3. You would not be who you are without your entire life’s experiences, whether they were perceived as “good” or “bad.” The idea is to be who you want to be and that you love yourself on every level of your being, unconditionally. There are three core components to unconditional self-love, each with various aspects to work through emotional purging and begin to heal: knowing oneself, accepting oneself, and trusting oneself. This includes every single part of yourself, as well as every moment you’ve ever experienced, every action you have ever taken, every word you’ve ever spoken, and every emotion you’ve ever felt… and every thought you’ve ever thought, especially those that drew you into darker manifestations of experiences. All of it is you, and all of it is human, and all of it is divine in nature on some level, even if it isn’t obvious to us. When so-called “bad” things happen, it is always an opportunity for growth and learning. Rather than seeing things as disastrous and becoming emotionally triggered into indecision (which could be likened to a form of analysis paralysis because energy is also information), accept that this is an experience you were meant to have and ask what you might gain from it, whether that be a lesson, a catalyst for some kind of life change, or a new soul-based connection of some kind.

You lead with your consciousness, and your consciousness co-creates your life. As a mindful leader, it’s important to understand some of the inner workings of the universe as well as human beings so that you can be the absolute best version of yourself, manifest abundance and solutions quickly and effortlessly, and lead from a place of love and compassion rather than control and force, as these are forms of resistance and can create additional contrast. Remember that love is the key, and when you approach everything you do from a place of love, you eliminate some of the so-called negative aspects in your life and enhance the so-called positive ones. This will allow you to attract and perceive more and more goodness and miracles in your experience, not to mention much healthier and more loving relationships.

Thank you so much for being here! Please join us again next week for more on your inner divinity and how science is catching up to prove spiritual concepts through quantum physics and other fields.


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