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Mindfully Cultivating Unshakable Trust in Something Greater with Quantum Physics

Tuesday, 26 June 2018 03:20 Written by  Jennifer Crystal-Johnson

There are infinite possibilities that exist within each moment if you choose to be open to them. You can direct and guide your moments toward experiences that can be either blissful or uncomfortable. This direction happens as an effect of your emotional state of being or your mood because your energy affects every cell within your body on a quantum level. If you are in a state of love and bliss most of the time, then you will resonate with and attract things that create more love and bliss. If you make an effort to stay in this state of resonance on purpose, you may also begin to notice how your manifestations appear before you. It often begins with taking notice of something as seemingly benign as having a thought or question, and the universe presenting you with the answer to it shortly thereafter. Or maybe something comes up in conversation, and a few days later an opportunity or event or song or whatever pops up that reminds you of the exact same thing, or even is the exact same thing. This is how you begin to learn to direct your personal power to co-create your life intentionally, and quantum physics has proven that this is not only possible but is happening on a constant and continuous basis with or without our conscious focus. It’s subtle because we cannot see it, but something science-based is much easier for most people to put a little faith into at the start, so today we’ll dive into an intriguing, ever-existing, and sometimes taboo topic: how quantum physics is proving the existence of an underlying energetic field (often referred to as the Field of Potentiality) that can be likened to a more realistic interpretation of “God” than a man on a cloud observing us externally. Grab your scuba gear… we’re going diving.

The field of potentiality is very much what it sounds like: an unseen energetic field within, surrounding, and connecting everything that helps make infinite potentialities possible within each moment. If you can dream it, you can bring it into your physical experience; sometimes this requires actions (sometimes quite a lot of them) to get to the point of manifestation, but understanding that this is a process due to being physical and existing in a physical reality can help you to get there more quickly by listening to your inner guidance and inspiration rather than dredging through burnout or any other heavy emotional energies.

How is it that infinite possibilities can exist simultaneously in each moment? To understand this concept, we have to take a look at time itself from a different perspective. As human beings existing in a physical world, we typically experience time linearly because of our density. Our physical bodies need time to adjust to and process things, so we typically need time to manifest changes, adjustments, and revisions within our lives. While changes typically don’t take very long to begin showing results, we humans seem to have a real issue with stick-to-itiveness sometimes, which comes partially from a lack of recognition that we actually experience everything in cycles including time, behavior patterns, annual patterns, moon cycles, planetary cycles, sun cycles, and even the earth’s various different cycles, the longest one we currently know about being “The Great Year” as we revolve around the galactic center, and this cycle happens to be 25,960 years in length. This also happens to be the exact span of time the Mayan calendar covered, and it is theorized that the end of the Mayan calendar on December 21st, 2012 was actually just a marker for the shift into a new cycle. What that shift might mean in practical terms is somewhat unpredictable, but it does bring up some interesting ideas to think about as we are in such tumultuous times of upheaval and emotional purging. Some even this stage, “purge-atory.”

Now, we all have the ability to become “unstuck in time,” so to speak, as Billy Pilgrim did in Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five. But what does it mean to live in linear time versus living in non-linear time? In linear time, we tend to check the time often, get stressed about being late, and feel pressure to get certain things done in a certain amount of time and do certain almost ritualistic things at certain times. We tend to sleep at night and get up during the day like we’re “supposed to,” and we go trade our linear time for a tool called money so that we can survive, too often just barely. However, if you find yourself existing in non-linear time, you may find that you have zero qualms about taking naps, but sometimes you may sleep for 12 hours. You may work odd hours, following your inspiration, and you understand that things will take as long as they take and stressing doesn’t help anything. Stepping out of linear time can bring quite a sense of freedom because time literally isn’t “real;” it’s a collective perception we have labeled as and come to believe is true. But when you are calm about time, you find that no one around you is stressed about time, either, and it can be a beautiful existence.

Because our perception is everything and is what ultimately directs our co-creation of life, we have the power and ability to experience time-based on our focus. It isn’t actually anything magical or mystical or unexplainable; it’s just a matter of learning to see the feedback loops within your own life that most of us have been conditioned to ignore. As a collective, our perception is that the physical reality is the only reality, that it is what’s “real” and the unseen must be proven or it doesn’t exist.

However, when we take into consideration that the physical human body can only perceive an extremely limited amount of what is actually around us (many animals are actually able to see, hear, and perceive more than human beings), which begs the question: what is all around us that we cannot perceive physically?*

At this point, you may be thinking that this is pretty scary, or alternately that it implicates an infinite amount of potential and possibilities because the frequencies we cannot perceive are essentially other dimensions layered on top of our own. Infinite dimensions, and therefore infinite possibilities, existing simultaneously just outside of our perception. This alone is enough to inspire many to dig deeper into quantum physics, but one of the most compelling ideas that has been proven time and time again is that consciousness creates reality; meaning, you—just by observing and becoming aware of your reality—are changing it.

This was originally discovered by a man named Max Planck, who was the theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918**. It’s called The Double Slit Experiment, and you can watch a YouTube video explaining this experiment in greater detail or demonstrating it if you feel the need. This experiment was demonstrated in the movie What the Bleep Do We Know and illustrates that the mere presence of an observer can change the way particles respond and behave. Quantum particles are literally everywhere in the entire universe, including all around and within us, so imagine what this could mean for us in our daily lives if we apply this knowledge to our habits!

Observing your reality has the power to change it, which is why mindfulness practice is so incredibly powerful. On a quantum level, it actually alters the particles within your body and all of your cells (and even your DNA – search “epigenetics”), and eventually your entire existence changes around you, as catalyzed by your conscious intentions. By changing the way you think and the way you feel from within yourself, you are changing the dimension of consciousness that you most often experience and reside in. See, the way I’ve come to understand it is that dimensions aren’t physical places, either. We have the ability to make “quantum jumps” in our conscious thinking and completely alter our experiences after that by having initiated that change within ourselves. With each choice we make, we are choosing a certain dimension of consciousness.

So, time is cyclical, potentialities are everywhere, and observing is creating change. Knowing the basics of some of these concepts, we can move forward into how you can use this information and apply it within your everyday experience. And don’t worry if you don’t fully understand, especially if this is the first time a concept like this has been introduced to you. Sometimes we have to be exposed to the same information numerous times before it clicks or resonates. It’s best to just have a general passion for continuous learning so that you don’t stagnate in your knowledge or advancement.

The First and Most Important Practice: Actually Observing

You can begin doing this with a very short meditation exercise or by beginning a yoga or stretching routine with emphasis on observing the breath or some monotonous sound, like the ticking of a clock. What this does is strengthen your patience and ability to take notice of things as well as direct your focus. You can then carry this energy of observing into your day and begin taking notice of small things working out for you. For example, if I’m working and have more work to complete in the evening, I often find myself thinking, “It’d be cool if someone else figured out dinner today,” and oftentimes, it happens. Of course, this isn’t always the case, but when it is, I make sure I take time to appreciate every little thing as much as humanly possible and bask in that emotion of gratitude for a while.

You may begin to notice other little things as well. Another recent example is that I was always a fan of Liam Neeson and was very disappointed in my youth when I found out he was retiring. I never put it together that he’d taken several years off after his wife died to raise his sons, and that memory pops up sometimes with the question attached to it, not in a sense of worrying about it, but in a sense of being curious what happened. A short while after the thought popped up, I came across a video about Liam Neeson on social media that was essentially a short biography, and it explained everything and answered a question I’d had quietly in the back of my mind for years. I know this sounds a little mundane as it seems like such a mediocre thing, but when you pay attention to what you’re thinking about, you can watch the manifestations come into your experience and receive confirmation and validation that you are, in fact, co-creating your life experience with your thoughts and emotional energy. This is the dimension of consciousness where manifesting miracles is not only possible but commonplace.

The Second Practice: Gratitude for What Is

Another way to cultivate trust in the universe is by being grateful for every single thing that gives you pleasure, even if it seems small or somehow “stupid.” Be grateful and enjoy even the littlest things, because that gratitude will not only ensure that you are a humble recipient and don’t feel entitled, but it will also continue to attract more things you will feel grateful for. You can begin being grateful for anything; it could be as simple as being grateful for the air you’re breathing. If you’ve ever had an experience where the thought that you might die crossed your mind or worse, you will likely understand how amazing and wonderful life seems after almost losing it.

Another example would be someone who has experienced some form of trauma or abuse finally coming out on the other side as a strong, successful, independent individual. Though the situation itself may have been terrifying or worse, the surviving of it may have inspired a newfound appreciation for freedom, acceptance, emotional understanding, and unconditional love.

Understand that going through challenging times is sort of like a catalyst for switching dimensions of consciousness; you need certain experiences to understand what you must understand to get to your next level, and without those experiences, even if the knowledge is there, you may not be able to apply the knowledge to your life properly. However, when you go through appropriate experiences to illustrate to you and show you what you need to know about any given situation, you can begin to make decisions based on input from the universe/your inner being and the results can be almost overwhelming in a good way. This is another mindset where miracles happen and things seem to almost “magically” work out; it isn’t magic. It’s focusing your gratitude and energies in the direction of your desires rather than your fears.

The Third Practice: Directing Your Focus

Your focus is what determines the type of life experience you have. If you focus on worrying about what might go wrong, obsessing over what someone else is doing with their time (and maybe even worrying that their behaviors hinge on you somehow), or fearing the unknown, then you will attract things to create more of that energy as you journey through linear time. However, if you redirect your focus toward all of the little blessings life offers you each day, more of those little blessings will find you and the more they do, the more momentum you will pick up and the more the blessings will shower your life.

The same is true for your business and career. Taking the time to notice the benefits and blessings coming into your business or company will increase their occurrence and allow you and your team to help propel your company or business forward at rapid speeds.

You can also redirect your focus as far as time is concerned, and this is especially helpful if you are the type of person who feels like you are always running out of time or you don’t have enough time to get everything done. I used to think this way once upon a time, but I understood even then that it was something about my perception or habits and not actually that I didn’t have enough time. We all have the same 24 hours in a day; why are some people so much more productive? Because they have mastered their focus and know that inspired action is the best action for progress. One way I found helpful to create more time for myself was to meditate and either think or speak repeatedly: “I have all the time in the world.” This doesn’t actually create more time; rather, it alters your perception of time to slow it down so that you can get more done, or at least feel like you are.

One last thought about focus… when you’re manifesting intentionally, let go of thinking about whatever it is you’re attempting to manifest. Don’t get attached to any one outcome, and you may be amazed at how well life begins to work out for you. One of my children recently learned that a band they like is on tour. This particular child has a real fascination with meeting bands and so they wanted to be able to get VIP passes. On top of that, they’re only 13 so I would need to go as well. So there were all of these discouraging factors lined up against actually manifesting these tickets, but through bartering with some amazing new friends, the tickets went on sale and were purchased within two days of finding out the concert was even happening. This working out was nothing short of a miracle, so it was another one of those things that was able to be pulled off out of thin air. These are the types of things we experience regularly by practicing mindfulness, and once you begin, you only improve upon what you’ve learned over time.

The reason for this story is to illustrate that there was an idea, a desire; this desire was expressed out loud to everyone who might be able to help make it happen as well as the universe itself, and then peace had to be made with any and all outcomes because there were no guarantees. So we stopped thinking about it and waited to see what would happen, and sure enough, the co-creation was successful, and this isn’t a unique experience. It’s just a matter of understanding what the process looks like from within yourself as you journey through your physical experience, and then noticing the feedback you get from your life experiences.

When you’re working with your team and practice these mindfulness techniques and begin to experience and point out little miracles, coincidences, and synchronicities as they happen, then your team will organically begin to do the same thing and increase the positive experiences exponentially. Being aware and taking notice—observing—is the first step toward really understanding your inner power, and the potentials and possibilities as discovered and pointed out by quantum physics can help you to really connect the scientific “mumbo-jumbo” into practical, applicable lessons or informational input.

You there! You are particles of light guided by frequencies of sound to give you form. The universe is composed of the same exact materials. You are the only human being who can direct your life, so you literally hold all the power and quantum physics proves it. What are you going to do with all of your newfound power?

Thank you so much for being here with us on the Mindful Leader Blog! I hope you’ve enjoyed this article delving into quantum physics and how it relates to our everyday existence. Please join us next month for a whole new series of articles on the divine power within you.


For more information about the Mindfulness Movement or the International Mindfulness Federation, please visit:

*For an incredibly detailed article about the known limitations of our physical human senses, please go here:


**Source, and more information about how consciousness creates reality and how quantum physics has proven this:


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