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Mindfully Learning to Trust Your Leadership Journey

Tuesday, 12 June 2018 03:52 Written by  Jennifer Crystal-Johnson

The one thing that can truly propel you forward versus continuing to hold you back is your ability to trust in the process; to let go and surrender to your journey while allowing your intuition to guide your actions. This is, of course, much easier said than done, but there are habits and ideas you can apply in your moment-to-moment existence to help you build up this trust in your journey, in your process. When you begin to trust in your journey, you will find that you are calm and more relaxed, less stressed out, and much more open and approachable in the eyes of your team. These inner work practices can help you reach your next level, so let’s explore some ideas behind trusting your journey, as well as why and how it will help you lead a more fulfilling life as a mindful leader.

Just like you and your life, your leadership journey is completely unique to you and how you came to where you are. Your choices are directed by equal parts nurture and nature, until you make the conscious decision to re-examine your belief systems and replace anything that is toxic or doesn’t serve you. Yes, you are allowed to believe something different if you want to! No one can decide that but you. So, as a sort of “obvious” example, you wouldn’t be able to become financially abundant if you have abundance blockages or belief systems about money that don’t serve you (i.e. corporations are evil, money is the root of all evil, etc.). This would need to be a belief that is revised and changed to suit your future lifestyle, otherwise it may feel like you’re spinning your wheels along the way.

As a mindful leader, you balance the ability to guide and mentor your team with the ability to be loving and firm, but without resorting to forceful, fearful, angry, or controlling methods. To help you enhance your skillset and understanding, it’s important to be discerning with what is and is not trusting of your journey, and what that even means in practical terms.

These practices and ideas are things that you can begin without anyone even knowing; concepts you can consider without having to alter your whole life. Typically when it comes to inner work, your breakthroughs are yours and don’t look like much from the outside, but if you’ve had even just one impactful revelation you can recall, then you probably remember exactly how powerful it was and what it felt like from within you.

Your breakthroughs are important! With each new revelation, your brain is creating new neural pathways and evolving as you learn more and more. The information that resonates the most with you could be on any topic, but typically if you find yourself getting really excited or passionate about learning something you feel a kinship with or that really touches you, it could very well lead you to your next breakthrough.

You have the power to create breakthroughs and epiphanies within yourself on purpose simply by learning, studying, or being exposed to new or more in-depth information to refine your knowledge and understanding. However, sitting there reading, watching, taking notes, and so on can take quite a bit of time, and we all know that everyone is busy. Therefore, these ideas are more easily implemented within yourself as a practice of sorts, and can help make you more receptive to things life is trying to teach you about yourself.

Be Open to Learning

Life is always trying to lead you in your right direction, and oftentimes we simply don’t know that this is happening or we aren’t aware of the connections between our inner world and our outer world. When you don’t know what you don’t know, you can’t grow until you learn more. However, when you begin to learn and keep expanding your knowledge on a weekly or even daily basis, life’s lessons will also become easier to interpret as far as what their purpose might be for you in particular. The deeper your levels of understanding of how you operate from within, the more likely you are to achieve self-mastery by extracting the lessons life has to offer you.

Another thing to take note of here is that your journey will be completely different from anyone else’s, and your life experiences so far have also been unique to you. There are so many variables and complexities, which is why cookie-cutter information doesn’t work. However, when you can begin to understand your own inner workings and trust yourself to make the best decisions possible with the information you have, then you can also look back without any adverse emotions such as guilt, shame, or regret. You will know that you did the best you could with the information available, and as long as things can be tweaked, altered, or revised, you can redirect your team’s efforts accordingly.

Applied Knowledge is Power

The more information you can explore, the more knowledge you have the potential to apply within your own life, in practice. Knowledge alone can be a stepping stone, but it isn’t until you apply what you’ve learned that you begin stepping into your true power and seeing massive results. This is, of course, an ongoing process, so it’s not something you do for a few days and then quit; mindfulness practice is recommended daily.

Reading, researching online, watching YouTube, etc. can help you to expand your knowledge about yourself, your inner workings, your emotions, and spirituality as well as quantum physics, among other things. It depends on what types of subject matter you are drawn to, but anything that is expansive for your consciousness is likely to be helpful.

One example of this is that it is common for someone who has experienced narcissistic abuse to become temporarily obsessed with learning about narcissism, the narcissistic family unit, what the emotional and behavioral repercussions and conditioning might be, and so on. This is common because it literally is an experience that shifts your whole reality and makes you question everything you’ve ever been told by that particular person or people. If you grew up in a narcissistic family system, then it is likely that your entire life will seem off kilter for a day or three, but learning the information helps open your perception to healing yourself, and it will also help you to quiet your ego a little bit.

Information can help you to expand your thinking, and that will help you expand your consciousness. The more you know, the more confident you get as well, so it is a win-win all around.

Worry Serves No Useful Purpose

Why do people worry so much? Well, to answer that, we will need to know what worry actually is besides an emotional state. Where does it come from? Does it serve a purpose? Does it do any good or does it attract more contrast because you’re in a vibration of worry?

Worry is a fear of the unknown. More specifically, a fear that you project into the future by thinking about it in a state of worry. Now, as you worry about this unknown future or some fear of something in your future that may be unpleasant, you are cementing that potentiality into your future timeline by focusing on it with your energy and attention (this is one aspect of quantum entanglement because time isn’t linear the way we think it is). The energy of worry will end up attracting more things to worry about, so why bother? It doesn’t do any good.

Ah, but if you don’t worry then what might other people think of you? If you don’t worry about someone in the hospital for example, people may be offended because they expect worrying and it has been distorted into seeming like a form of loving behavior. However, worry is a fear-based emotion, and love and fear cannot exist in the same being at the same time energetically, so your vibration ends up actually being lower and fear-based, attracting more 3D fear-based experiences into your life.

Worrying about someone may actually make them worse due to the energy you exchange with them, so why not send them energies of unconditional love and healing instead? Or, if you’re worried about a project, it may be time to take a step back, put someone else in charge, and let go of control over the situation so that you can work through your worry and find the root cause of it, because worry isn’t a love-based emotion. It appears to be, simply because we have been conditioned and guilt-tripped into believing so, but the energy of worry is fearful and negative, so it ends up not being helpful for anyone in the long run.

Everything Happens in Divine Timing

Life can seem really scary sometimes, especially when there are setbacks, accidents, crises, or other upheavals. However, have you ever taken a moment to look back and make connections that you maybe hadn’t noticed before? Oftentimes, you may find yourself thinking something along the lines of, “well, if this hadn’t happened, then I wouldn’t have found that… and if that hadn’t gone wrong, I would still be way back over here….”

Sometimes life may try to throw you into a situation to teach you something, either perceived as a “good” or “bad” lesson. However, the lessons themselves are not good nor bad; they each serve a purpose, which then helps propel the learner forward in life as well as in career. I have personally had some sequences of events happen within my life that absolutely proved to me that things are very much orchestrated, but not in the surface-level or simplistic ways that are typically accepted as the norm. This orchestration is much more complex than we have ever realized as a species before, and there are many different parts being played on a quantum/micro and macro scale.

Photons of light are attracted via gravity to our DNA molecules, and this is where it begins on the micro/quantum scale. For more information about our DNA, photons, and quantum ideas, please revisit this previous blog post:

Divine timing is when things happen exactly as they are supposed to… which, technically speaking, they always are, even if we don’t understand from our current perception while something is happening. One thing leads to another and to another, and oftentimes, we won’t be ready for something we want and so it won’t manifest into our experience. However, just knowing and understanding that we may not be ready can remove a lot of doubt and anxiety, making our manifestations much easier to experience and learn from as needed.

Knowing (and you may have to think of or experience your own evidence sometimes) that divine timing has you covered can help you relax into your life experience a little bit as a mindful leader. Yes, the “real world” is scary sometimes and it feels like you should be worrying about a billion things, but once you understand that none of that worry will do any good and freaking out or overreacting will actually make everything worse, it becomes much easier to see that relaxing and doing what you can when you can is all you can do.

And that’s okay.

Thank you so much for being here! We hope that this article resonated with you, and if so, please like, comment, and share. Thanks so much! Please join us again next week for more about trust.


For more information about the Mindfulness Movement or the International Mindfulness Federation, please visit:


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