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Connections Between the Big Picture (Macro) and the Small Picture (Micro)

Tuesday, 22 May 2018 03:18 Written by  Jennifer Crystal-Johnson

When we begin to expand our consciousness, we begin to notice connections between the way things work on a large scale and the way things work on a small scale. This in turn makes us continue to notice how things are connected, and then allows us to begin to see how everything is actually connected on an energetic level. Then, when we get deep down to the atomic level, we understand that everything in existence is part of a whole. Everything in existence is connected. So, of course something that happens in one place or time can affect something in another place or time in ways we may not even be able to grasp at this stage in our human evolution. To expand your understanding about this idea, keep reading for some practical aspects of marco and micro parallels that may open your mind to a whole new level of understanding of how your life and the universe work, and how this may pertain to the ripple you are sending out into the universe as a mindful leader every single day.

When we make a comparison between how things work on a microscopic as well as a macroscopic scale, we will oftentimes find ourselves in awe as to the mysteries of the universe, especially at first. As with many other pieces of information, if it doesn’t resonate right away, then you may need to be exposed to it several times in order to fully allow the information to sink in.

First, I’d like to talk a little bit about fractals and how this idea can actually help you to grasp the eternally expanding nature of the universe, as well as everything within the universe. A fractal is essentially an infinite repetition of the same or similar patterns as programmed or created by the same or similar previous patterns. This doesn’t always have to be perceived by our physical eyes, so we can then begin to see patterns of existence everywhere, on small and large scales.

For an immediate example, we can take into consideration the earth as a whole. She is inhabited by various life forms, all being sustained by her in some way, shape, or form, from the air we breathe to the water we drink, to the food we grow and consume. Not much that lives on earth can survive in space, so we can probably all agree that in a sense, earth is a body. A celestial body, to be precise. All of the beings living on earth are part of her, including human beings.

Now, what about the human body? We are individual, sure, but we are all connected to the earth, for one. Then there are all of the living bacteria and cells that thrive within us… trillions of them, all on task as per our mostly unconscious order. At the core of everything that has form is something formless: energy. The core of everything we are. We are atoms powered by resonance, light turned perceivable by sound waves, and inhabited by consciousness.

There are infinite fractal universes within universes, always expanding on the smallest as well as largest scales. Also, all of these different layers and scales are connected to a source that is also constantly expanding and growing and evolving. Infinite, in all directions. As above, so below; as within, so without. These ideas can become so much more than words now.

Are you still with me? Here comes the fun and slightly less complex part.

The best aspect of all of this is that you can actually have an influence on your life and consciously help yourself out, so to speak. Knowing and beginning to understand how everything is connected via energy (atoms) is an excellent way to get to a point of manifesting your desires more quickly. This is also a great way to create positive and conscious ripples out through whomever you interact with on a daily basis.

There are a few ways in which you can help yourself to be more conscious of what you’re bringing into the world and spreading around out there every day, so to speak. We can create positive or negative energies that will flow and influence others, and your energies depend a lot on how you’re feeling. It’s important to purify your feelings and make sure they’re not being influenced by past negative experiences, which we all seem to hold on to and carry around with us like they’re badges of honor, when really they just weigh us down and make life so much more challenging and full of struggle. To purify your feelings, a few realizations must occur about things that can influence your energy.

Things That Influence Your Energy

There are a few things that I would consider thought and emotion combinations that can have a powerful influence on the type of energy you hold and radiate. Being a mindful leader, you probably already practice meditation and self-awareness. These are wonderful practices because they will lead you deeper and deeper as you learn and practice more. Here are a few realizations and ideas that may help you to refine your discernment about your own energy signature and how you can influence it.

Your Intent

Your intent in each and every moment, no matter what or whom you are interacting with, will influence the ripples you send out in your everyday life. When your intent is based in love and compassion, your ripple will have a positive influence on everything around you and your life as a whole. If your intent is to harm another or your decisions are based in fear, then your ripple will not have a positive sphere of influence in your life.

This usually happens on an unconscious level, because most of us humans are reactive, meaning something happens and we react to it. We are driven by stimuli rather than becoming the stimulator of our own realities by tuning our frequency or resonance consciously. It’s up to you to change this as an individual, from within yourself, by choosing a different way in the moment and not reacting unconsciously. “Think before you speak,” put into practice via nonjudgment.


How to become nonreactive is by practicing nonjudgment. Don’t judge anything immediately, and any conclusions your mind begins to jump to, talk them down. Allow yourself to just not know everything. Allow yourself to stop worrying about anything outside of yourself unless or until there is cause for concern. Typically speaking, it won’t have anything to do with what you are truly responsible for, anyway, and you are actually resisting what you want by radiating negative energy or emotions.

Your Resistance

If you are emotionally attached to one specific outcome and not creating that outcome would be world-shattering for you, then you cannot expect your desired outcome to actually arrive. It is not the desiring of it that keeps it away from you; it is the charge of emotion you imbue it with that determines whether it will manifest in your experience or not. If you imbue it with passionate desire and obsession and want, you will also imbue it with the opposite side of that same coin: the fear of not receiving it. The stronger your desire and emotional reliance on this outcome for your happiness, the stronger the same opposing fear will be, and these emotions will need to be purged before your desire can manifest in your experience.

This is why it’s so important to relax and surrender to the process; let it be. Don’t attach such heavy, burdensome emotions to anything. After you make known your desire, send it off with feelings of gratitude and knowing that you already have it in some other dimension. Since all possibilities exist always, the only thing you should focus on is pulling that dimension closer to your experience by being grateful for what you already have and feel that same feeling when you ask or emotionally send a desire out into the ether.

How does this affect your ripples? Well, if you are resistant to the process, you tend to be impatient, aggravated, irritable, controlling, feeling like you’re losing control (that’s the purging part), and then finally some major thing will happen to break down your life and make room for your manifestation, especially if it’s something like a new career or another life-altering shift.

The ripples you send out during this period of time can also come back to you, so if you’re interacting with others with a lot of fear or anger energy, then you may also begin to feel like others are attacking you simply because they have been feeling attacked by you, and the cycle can become vicious until it gets to a breaking point. The key is to realize when this is happening and take a step back and observe. Zero response or reaction until you have a moment to process, and then your reaction can be loving and compassionate or hateful and fearful in return. Nonjudgment allows you to essentially referee yourself so that you can make the wisest and most educated decisions as to how to respond.

Your Integrity

When you stand in your integrity, you can stand by every single action you take and decision you make without faltering. To do this, you must know what you don’t agree with and believe in so that you can begin to understand what you do stand for and believe in, and then live each moment from that place.

In order to truly stand in your integrity, you must have integrity not just in the sense of morals as we understand them on a superficial level, but also in the sense of being completely unified within yourself on each decision, action, thought, and in each moment. That’s the part that’s usually missing, as these definitions of integrity have been separated as if they are two different things; they are not.

You as a human being must not be divided in your beliefs or understanding so that you can stand in your true integrity. If you are barely scraping by, making decisions every day after having to battle with yourself in your mind, then that indicates there might be too much inner conflict in your day to day decisions. You may need to determine and refine what your values and beliefs are so that you can make the best decisions possible, for yourself as a mindful leader as well as for those whom you are leading. If you are a conflicted leader, you will not be a very effective one and can expect your inner conflicts to manifest themselves as external conflicts because of the law of attraction.

Have you ever noticed that if you expect someone or a group of people to be offended or upset at something, then they typically will be? This is partially due to your expectation in and of itself, because the energy of that expectation translates and is communicated via your interactions with those people both in person as well as online, over the phone, over email, and even if you’ve never interacted with that person but they have caught wind of something you’ve done that they disagree with.

By expecting disagreement, you are creating and attracting disagreement via the energy you send out and it making its way back to you because the universe says, “your wish is my command,” to your emotional energetic signature or vibration. By standing in your integrity and having a firm understanding of what you are basing your decisions on each day, you can make any decision you need to without inciting a riot by accident, because people will know you are in charge, period.

Thanks so much for joining us here today on the Mindful Leader Blog! We hope you’ve found this information useful and that you’ll join us next week for the final article about the ripple effect and how you can affect your life and the lives of everyone around you. We wish you a wonderful week and hope to see you back soon!


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