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Mindful Daily Balance and Gaining Momentum

Monday, 09 January 2017 13:27 Written by 

There’s a reason they call it the daily grind. Sometimes it can seem like a huge chore just to get through a day or a specific task. Don’t worry! We all feel this way sometimes, especially if it looks like there’s no end in sight. However, all of this gets easier as you work through your tasks each day and begin seeing progress. When you actually see progress, you’re much more likely to stay motivated and keep working toward your ultimate goals. Here are five mindful time management tips you can implement to maintain balance and start your year off by gaining momentum.


Falling into bad habits happens fast, so part of your job as a mindful leader is to be aware of what your days look like and what you’ve accomplished so far. You’ve already done your planning for the year… now it’s time to make things happen! When it comes to strategically planning out your days, there are a few tips you can begin to implement for maximum efficiency.


Five Mindful Time Management Tips for Leaders


1.      Save time-wasting activities for the end of the day. You know what activities seem to suck up most of your time without accomplishing much (email, social media, etc.), so unless you’ve blocked off a day (or a couple of hours) specifically for social media marketing or email marketing, leave these time wasters alone while you need the brain power to remain laser-focused on your task at hand.


2.      Schedule your top priority action items in advance. You’re more likely to stick with what you need to do on a daily or weekly basis if those items are scheduled within your planner or calendar, so block off either full days or several hours at a time to work on major projects.


3.      Make your deadlines short and stick to them. The more time you give yourself, the more time you’ll take to get things done, so don’t give yourself any more time than what is absolutely necessary. Not only will you get results faster, you will also be able to get much more done and stay away from trying to make everything perfect. Just get it done.


4.      Avoid multitasking. Numerous studies have shown that multitasking actually slows your progress because you’re distracted and going from one thing to another and back again. This is where it will feel like you’re working and working and working but not getting anything done… because you’re not nearly as focused or efficient as you would be if you chose one thing to work on and left everything else for later.


5.      Delegate! If you can delegate anything, do so, especially when it comes to busywork. Not only will this free you up to work on your top priorities, it will also allow you to breathe a beautiful sigh of relief because your busywork is no longer on your desk. If you have the ability to delegate anything, do so.



You can set large goals all you want, but without healthy daily habits and action items, your goals may or may not be accomplished by the end of the year. Consistent work and focused effort are the keys to achieving as much as you set out to over the course of a year.


For more mindfulness techniques, tips, and resources, I invite you to take a look at our Mindfulness Resources page. Here you can learn more about the Mindfulness Movement and the International Mindfulness Federation to make this year your most mindfully successful one yet!

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