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Dealing with Feeling Overwhelmed

Monday, 06 June 2016 13:33 Written by 

Stress happens to everyone, including mindful leaders. For many of us, it involves feeling overwhelmed because there’s just so much to do and so much going on at any given time. Though this can often be avoided, it seems that more and more people are suffering while just trying to maintain their daily schedule. Are you stressed and overwhelmed? Read on to learn some of the causes and solutions for feeling overwhelmed so you can get back on track… without pulling your hair out.

Everything in the body is connected, and different people’s stress manifests itself in different ways, especially long-term. Stress has been linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, and anxiety… but those may not be the only concerns as far as what stress can cause within your body. (Source: Psychology Today Blog, )

Sometimes it seems like just when you feel like you’re finally getting a handle on things and catching up, life decides it’s a good time for your car to break down, wallet to get stolen, insurance to lapse or some other craziness to throw you off course… but only if you let it.

Everything that happens in our lives, no matter how chaotic or random it may seem, is there to help us grow and become better versions of ourselves. True, not everyone shares that belief; however, those who do are generally much happier and less stressed out on a daily basis. It’s not just about positive thinking; it’s about forming mental habits that allow you to function well under stress or pressure and let go of the controls when needed. All you can do is what you can do… there’s no good reason to burn yourself out, put extensive pressure on yourself, or drive yourself crazy by not getting enough rest or down time.

As a mindful leader, one of the best skills you can develop is utilizing stress to your advantage. It’s a balance between feeling enough stress to motivate you while not allowing that stress to grow to the point of overwhelm, which leads to immobilization for many people. The first step toward mastering this skill is to know the most common causes and solutions for stress.

So… what elements create the perfect storm of stress and overwhelm? Let’s find out.

The Perfect Storm of Overwhelm

1. The Problem: Expectations and Pressure

When you expect one specific outcome, it can be devastating for things to turn out differently (note: different doesn’t necessarily mean bad). This translates into pressure – you put pressure on yourself and others may put pressure on you as well.

The solution? Go with the flow for a little while. Think about different possible outcomes and make peace with all of them by finding solutions to any foreseeable problems that may arise. Not only does this neutralize the expectations you may have, but it also allows you to relax and put less pressure on yourself, which offers you the benefits of accomplishing more, being more focused and productive, and not allowing stress to run you.

2. The Problem: Too Much on Your Plate

It’s easy for some of us to take on way too many things at once. We agree to this, that, and the other thing, maybe not at the same time, and maybe not with our planner or schedule handy. Before you know it, you’re drowning in promises made with the best of intentions… but you know what they say about that!

The solution? Do what you can and learn to say no. By taking care of the tasks you can manage with the time you have (or make), you can do some of the things you said you would. However, when it comes to large or very time-consuming tasks, it might be time to explain that you just can’t take it on or you need more time. If you find that you have taken on too much, try to downgrade and simplify.

3. The Problem: Overachieving and Perfectionism

Although overachieving and perfectionism aren’t exactly the same, they do have similar undertones and they both cause stress because you put more pressure on yourself to do better than anyone else. When you do fail (and you will, sooner or later), it will devastate you more than it would if you relaxed a bit.

The solution? Strive for excellence. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter if you’re the best or one of the best. If you run yourself ragged trying to become the best, your chances of making a major mistake increase immensely. In some cases, that kind of mistake can ruin your whole career. So… excellence is key!

4. The Problem: Needing to Be In Control

This is an issue that often arises in leadership positions because you may be hesitant to delegate. “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself!” Right? Absolutely not! If you’re in a leadership position, part of your job is teaching those you lead. You can’t do everything yourself. You can try, sure… but chances are you won’t be getting much sleep for a while.

The solution? Make peace with letting go of control and embrace teaching and delegating. If you have to have someone else do a task, give them constructive feedback and allow them to improve upon their skills and get better at what they do. It may seem more difficult or tedious at first, but in the long run, you’ll have a team of people who can do the tasks you assign them exactly to your specifications. That’s a win for everyone!

On that note, don’t let feeling overwhelmed or stressed out dictate how you handle whatever challenges you’re facing. There is a solution to every problem, and you can find it if you think about it and explore your options. And yes… some of those solutions may involve asking for help. Don’t let your pride or ego get in the way of achieving greatness because you can’t let go of some of your tasks. That’s just bad business =).


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